We are SSCR Tampa! We are radio for the 21st century.
SSCR Tampa is a community of musicians, DJ’s, and fans dedicated to bringing you radio like you’ve heard before, but like you haven’t found in a long time. We want to make radio fun. We want to make radio real. And most of all, we want to make radio relevant.
When was the last time you actually enjoyed listening to the radio? Do you remember the first time you heard that song, by the band you’d never heard before… but knew you’d be a fan for life? Remember the joy of discovering new music, before it was commoditized, packaged, and sold with corporate sponsors and an online subscription fee? Or how about the high you felt when an old favorite song came over the speakers suddenly, without adding it to a playlist droning in the background during your workout?
We at SSCR Tampa want to bring music out of the background noise and put it back into your heart. And now, we would like to give you the opportunity to join our community. Become a patron of SSCR Tampa, and help us recreate radio.